
Showing posts with the label Jam Hsiao


 2023年12月23日 歌手蕭敬騰全新專輯《野生》紀錄片線下點映會及專輯概念展覽發佈會在北京舉辦,蕭敬騰現身現場和觀眾近距離交流心得,他分享了製作專輯的心路歷程,直言希望自己想表達的東西能引起大家的共鳴。 專輯《野生》由蕭敬騰攜手梁翹柏、李焯雄、夏永康、林炳存四位音樂製作人打磨,主打隨性、自由,團隊還遠赴挪威小島錄製自然聲響,如《無目的地找目的地》所說,蕭敬騰號召大家「快樂就得要炒籃趁熱」。同名紀錄片中,蕭敬騰談到自己曾經「走很遠」,他真誠地希望一起陪伴著他的老師們能將他「拉回來」。此次回歸帶來的作品也正是某種意義上「刻意」靠近市場的嘗試。為了能夠陪喜歡他的人「久一點」,蕭敬騰稱自己將懷著真誠謙遜的心態,延續著自己的音樂。 紀錄片點映現場熱鬧非凡,有小學生歌迷現場唱歌曲《無名指有你的名字》引起全場喝彩。現場,也有很多粉絲表達了一直以來對蕭敬騰的喜愛,蕭敬騰深受感動,借由此次機會向大家表示感謝。 《野生》專輯概念展覽發佈會上,梁翹柏和蕭敬騰分享了創作過程中的思考和感受,專輯定位「野生」,本意是想要表達的是一種掙脫固有習慣,容許本能被放飛,丟掉現有模板,容許萬事萬物相遇的態度。隨後蕭敬騰化身展區導覽員帶領大家走入展覽場館中,為大家耐性的介紹每一區域的背後故事和難忘回憶,那一刻也讓大家彷彿置身到了專輯的創作當下,被問到什麼時候有巡演,蕭敬騰表示明年會跟大家見面。 蕭敬騰在新專輯《野生》紀錄片點映會現場。

蕭敬騰攜手加拿大酒莊 推出Jam Hsiao 17Neon9聯名酒

金曲歌王蕭敬騰攜手加拿大濠久酒莊(Tender Hope Winery),推出兩款Jam Hsiao 17Neon9聯名限量酒,分別是紅葡萄酒尊爵款黑皮諾(Pinot Noir Reserve)與白中白(Blanc de Blanc)氣泡酒;前者單瓶售價為2,180元,後者單瓶售價為2,080元,將在亞洲地區限量上市。 Jam Hsiao 17Neon9限量聯名酒款,是濠久酒莊釀酒師Ephraim Perel親自為老蕭釀造嚴選酒莊內最優質的葡萄酒,為的就是要給Jam Hsiao 17Neon9限量聯名酒款最好的品質保證。Ephraim Perel曾在台灣居住,一直是老蕭忠實的歌迷觀眾和心中最喜愛的亞洲歌手,不同領域的兩位才子惺惺相惜,激盪出令人驚喜的合作火花。 尊爵款黑皮諾紅葡萄酒精心嚴選來自Okanagan Valley,West Kelowna地區 Thacker Drive葡萄園的手工摘採葡萄製成。置於開放式不鏽鋼桶中發酵,以保留黑皮諾葡萄的純正風味,使其更加圓滑,並在法國橡木桶中陳釀了十個月。在眾多黑皮諾酒桶中,只有最為出類拔萃的七桶酒被選中,並製成了這款2019年尊爵款黑皮諾(Pinot Noir Reserve)。 白中白(Blanc de Blanc)氣泡酒選用來自Okanagan Valley,East Kelowna地區 Buta's 葡萄園的手工摘採夏多內葡萄,以傳統瓶內二次發酵的製作方式釀造而成。它的酒體輕盈,迎面而來的柑橘類水果果香與桃子、檸檬皮、忍冬花的馥郁香氣,使這款氣泡酒在有著豐富的層次的同時,依舊保持著清爽的口感。 Jam Hsiao 17Neon9限量聯名酒款的酒標設計概念,源自於「蕭敬騰17Neon9世界巡迴演唱會」的視覺呈現。「Neon」代表創新、獨特、炫麗、稀有之意。 酒莊這次特別在瓶口設計上花了巧思,聘請工匠手工量身打造,以復古仿舊的銅釦設計呈現雋永珍藏的的氛圍效果。特殊的銅釦設計,也能讓消費者方便收藏保存。 此外,這次聯名酒款貼心為消費者設計了可以重複使用的Neon霓虹炫彩防水酒袋,兼具美觀和便利性,僅限購買本次聯名酒附贈。此款霓虹炫彩防水酒袋,方便外出野餐露營時臨時充當冰桶使用,可以在袋子裡放置冰塊或冷媒袋,降低酒款溫度,酒袋放在陰涼處將水分風乾後,還能繼續重複使用。 兩酒款分別是尊爵款黑皮諾(左一),與白中白氣...


35歲台灣歌手蕭敬騰,近年將事業重心轉戰中國,今(31)日跨年夜更接受中國央視邀請登上春晚,並以印著龍蝦裝的逗趣灰西裝表演《全世界在等你》,用著電吉他配合著中國樂器嗩吶,詮釋獨特的蕭式搖滾風格,結合新舊中西樂器合併,非常吸睛。 蕭敬騰日前才剛驚喜送上新歌《銀河星艦 (JOE STONE REMIX)》已經在12月24日耶誕夜正式上線。在中國人氣火熱的老蕭,將同時現身東方衛視以及央視的跨年晚會,預計兩場跨年演出將連換4套服裝,連續帶來《海芋戀》﹑《阿飛的小蝴蝶》等經典歌曲。 值得一提的是,當被問到2023年有沒有演唱會,蕭敬騰則賣起關子,可愛的回應:「好像可以喔!」談到新年新希望,蕭敬騰則期望一切平安順心就是最大的幸福,此外,他也透露目前不斷在著手寫新歌:「新作品是不會停下來的。」 ▲蕭敬騰登上央視春晚,享受音樂帶來的氣氛,結合嗩吶帶來蕭式搖滾風。 ▲35歲的蕭敬騰嗓音依舊充滿爆發力,一登場就把現場炒熱。 ▲蕭敬騰現場還跟嗩吶樂手尬起來,讓大家非常陶醉。 ▲蕭敬騰登上央視春晚與女歌手合作飆唱。

蕭敬騰馬不停蹄飛巴黎 法國工作過農曆年

蕭敬騰不僅是受歡迎的歌王,也是時尚品牌最愛,穿著向來很有自己的風格品味,他受邀參加「KENZO 2023時裝秀」,今已抵達巴黎,今年農曆年也預計將在法國度過。 蕭敬騰行程馬不停蹄,17日唱完尾牙,立即趕回家幫18日生日的媽媽慶生,並陪媽媽打麻將到凌晨三點,然後打包行李準備啟程飛法國參加時裝秀,此行預計在法國過農曆年,工作中度過。 蕭敬騰今抵達巴黎,即將參加KENZO時裝秀。

蕭敬騰將迎酸民挑戰 轉運關鍵靠4字

蕭敬騰近年積極中國拓展事業,去年對外證實長居中國四川成都,同時宣布不再報名金曲獎,不過仍定期會在台灣發布新作品,小年夜也赴巴黎參加時裝周,今年運勢曝光了,命理師建議他得「臥薪嘗膽」。 蕭敬騰是牡羊座,星座專家白瑜指出,蕭敬騰2023年會轉型、突破,有機會大鳴大放,因此得以開拓更多的機會和粉絲支持,但要注意,也許聲量過高,能力一時無法完全被看到,所以務必腳踏實地。 1987年3月30日生的蕭敬騰今年35歲,王馨怡替他卜到第五十二籤:「功名事業本由天。」她表示:「老蕭今年恐有陰煞,會有風雲變化,凡事皆因果命運造就,建議去安太歲,身體健康時好時壞,今年只要臥薪嘗膽,就可否極泰來」。 命理師楊登嵙算出,老蕭丁卯年農曆2月春生,戊土命,喜火土,新年將面臨的挑戰是,酸民的批評會比較多,注意心理調適即可,不要太在意酸民言論,繼續在自己歌唱事業努力,即可穩定中成長。 蕭敬騰兔年會轉型突破,但需留意身體健康。

蕭敬騰新春團拜 兔年工作滿檔大旺

 「金曲歌王」蕭敬騰(老蕭)所屬經紀公司「喜鵲娛樂」1日開工,老蕭兔年的工作滿檔,帶旺公司,今年除了送出最高7個月、最少2個月年終獎金,老蕭1日也親自出席新春團拜,與經紀人Summer一起現場發送了20個紅包鼓勵全體員工,子弟兵艾薇、Kevin廖柏雅也到場,和大家一起開心開工。 老蕭農曆年在法國度過,他受邀到巴黎參加「KENZO 2023時裝秀」,也在當地聽了爵士表演,此行6天行程緊湊,雖然沒有太多時間血拼,不過仍把握機會大啖美食,抵達當天就吃了河粉、可頌,尤其熱愛熱巧克力,來到樂蓬馬歇百貨公司時,對許多鍋子設計的裝置藝術感到新奇,還拍照留念。 即將曝光新作品 老蕭返台後馬上開始拚工作,即將有新作品曝光,更希望很快可以在演唱會上跟大家見面。他日前受邀看「蔡康永創作展」,當得知畫作已全數售出,轉而動念要買全場唯一非賣品-蔡康永的手繪牛皮書,他還頑皮地在現場抱著該作品不放,跟工作人員要「已售出」的小貼紙,表示非他莫屬,並感性地說:「這份手稿,是康永哥最初的創作發想且沒有經過任何包裝,對我而言非常珍貴。」 手繪牛皮書是蔡康永在創作期間的隨手撰寫與繪畫紀錄,沒想到這個非賣品,除了蕭敬騰情有獨鍾,連林志玲也慧眼獨具看上,工作人員透露:「年前志玲姊姊來看畫展,發現畫作都賣完了,連手稿的手繪牛皮書都被蕭敬騰搶下,就抱著牛皮書說『我要偷走』。」 蔡康永表示手繪牛皮書放在展覽中,本來是提供觀眾對照的樂趣,完全沒有想到林志玲和蕭敬騰會要求收藏,「我還真的挺捨不得的,畢竟是這次展覽的起源,整本都是我一頁一頁的亂想亂寫亂畫。」 蔡康永透露蕭敬騰在看展時,有句話打動他,「他說要把這本當成生活的塔羅牌,沒事就翻一頁當成當天的靈感。」蔡康永形容這對他是很大信任,所以他以榮幸的心情把它交付到蕭敬騰手上。「蔡康永創作展」將展至4日止。

蕭敬騰逛蔡康永畫展 相中「非賣品」緊抱不放

蔡康永於「白石畫廊」舉辦個人創作展,日前蕭敬騰受邀看展時,得知畫作已全數售出,轉而動念要買全場唯一非賣品,也就是蔡康永的「手繪牛皮書」,甚至還頑皮地在現場抱著該作品不肯放下,並跟工作人員要「已售出」的小貼紙想貼在上面,堅持表示非他莫屬。 「手繪牛皮書」是蔡康永在創作期間的隨手撰寫與繪畫的紀錄,展覽期間放置於白石畫廊展場,提供給來賓們觀賞,是非賣品。沒想到這個非賣品除蕭敬騰情有獨鍾外,林志玲也慧眼獨具看上。 現場工作人員透露:「年前志玲姐姐來看畫展,發現畫作都賣完了,連手稿的手繪牛皮書都被蕭敬騰搶下,就抱著牛皮書說『我要偷走!』」蔡康永表示:「手繪牛皮書放在展覽中,本來是提供觀眾對照的樂趣,完全沒有想到林志玲和蕭敬騰會要求收藏,我還真的挺捨不得的,畢竟是這次展覽的起源,整本都是我一頁一頁的亂想亂寫亂畫。」 蔡康永(左)舉辦個人創作展,蕭敬騰(右)也受邀看展。 蕭敬騰(右)買下蔡康永的創作手稿。

Awards and nominations

  Year Award Category Nominated work Result 2009 20th Golden Melody Awards Best New Artist Jam Hsiao Nominated HITO Radio Music Awards HITO流行音樂獎 Top 10 Songs of the Year "收藏" (Collection) from  Jam Hsiao Won Best New Artist Jam Hsiao Won 2010 Metro Radio Mandarin Music Awards Songs of the Year "Say a lil Something" Won Songs of the Year "新不了情" ("New Endless Love") Won Male Singer — Won Asia Popular Idol (亞洲人氣偶像) — Won 21st Golden Melody Awards Best Male Vocalist – Mandarin Princess Nominated 2012 23rd Golden Melody Awards Best Male Vocalist – Mandarin Jam Wild Dreams Nominated 31st Hong Kong Film Awards Best New Performer The Killer Who Never Kills Won 11th CCTV-MTV Awards Best Male Singer (HK, Macau, Taiwan regions) — Won 2013 24th Golden Melody Awards Best Male Vocalist – Mandarin It's All About Love Won

Television series

  Year English title Mandarin title Role Notes 2008 Fated to Love You 命中注定我愛你 A veterinarian Cameo, episode 18 2009 Momo Love 桃花小妹 A movie star Cameo, episode 8 2017 Midnight Food Store 深夜食堂 Leon Cameo 2019 Green Door 魂困西门 Wei Song Yan Lead


  Year English title Mandarin title Role Notes 2011 The Killer Who Never Kills 殺手‧歐陽盆栽 Ouyang Bonsai 2011 My Classmate Is the Boss 我的同學是老大—霸凌終結篇 Himself 2012 Pursuit of the Only 追尋唯一 Singer A-teng 2013 Escape from Planet Earth 地球人壞壞 Scorch Supernova Mainland Chinese and Taiwanese release, voice 2014 My Geeky Nerdy Buddies 大宅們 A-chai 2015 Crazy New Year's Eve 一路驚喜 Hsiao Ching-ming 2018 The Faces of My Gene 祖宗十九代 Gonggong


  Year Name Label 2010 Mr. Rock Concert – Live Warner Music Taiwan 2012 Jam's World Concert Tour – Live Warner Music Taiwan 2013 Jam's World Concert Tour – Live Warner Music Taiwan

Singles and EPs

  Year Song / EP Notes 2007 Moment of the First Sight Duet with A-Mei, also in A-Mei's album "STAR" 2007 How We Roll The theme song of "Alvin and the Chipmunks" Chinese version 2008 Lonesome or You Gift by HTC cell phone, also in album "Princess" 2008 To My Beloved Fund-raiser for Genesis Social Welfare Foundation released as EP/AVCD, also in album "Princess" 2009 Wish You Happiness Commercial single for Farglory Realty, also in Chinese edition of album "Love Moment" 2009 Where Peace Begins Theme song of World Peace Conference, Chinese version 2012 Sad Love Included in the digital EP of stage play "The Demi-gods and Semi-devil" 2012 Promise You Included in the digital EP of stage play "The Demi-gods and Semi-devil" 2012 Sixth Sense Theme song of movie "Shadows of Love" 2014 Iceman Theme song of movie "Iceman 3D" 2020 Hello Duet with JJ Lin 2020 Dance Monkey Chinese edition of Dance Monkey by T...

Studio albums

  Title Album details Track listing Jam Hsiao 蕭敬騰同名專輯 Released: 16 June 2008 Label: Warner Music Taiwan Formats: CD, digital download Track listing 收藏 王子的新衣 原諒我 奮不顧身 疼愛 多希望你在 活著 一輩子存在 我在哭 Blues 海芋戀 Princess 王妃 Released: 17 July 2009 Label: Warner Music Taiwan Formats: CD, digital download Track listing 王妃 我不會愛 阿飛的小蝴蝶 善男信女 Say a lil something 愛遊戲 小男人大男孩 會痛的石頭 愛過了頭 Green Door 給愛人 寂寞還是你 Love Moments 愛的時刻 自選輯 Released: 13 November 2009 Label: Warner Music Taiwan Formats: CD, digital download Track listing 開到荼蘼 新不了情 如果沒有你 夢一場 無言花 我懷念的 記念 寫一首歌 記得 倒帶 Jam Wild Dreams 狂想曲 Released: 30 June 2011 Label: Warner Music Taiwan Formats: CD, digital download Track listing 你 You 複製人 Clone 狂想曲 Wild Dreams 只能想念你 Miss you forever 話不多 Quiet 怎麼說我不愛你 How to say I don't love you 不停有意外的世界 The Unexpectable World 敷衍 Perfunctoriness 信仰 Faith 好想對你說 (悲傷版) I really want to say (sad version) 好想對你說 I really want to say 白蛇傳 Tale of the White Snake 茉莉戀 Jasmine Love 看對眼 Love at the first sight Mr.Jazz – A Song fo...

Identity controversy

In January 2022, he expressed his support for unification by PRC government by taking part in a pro-unification pop song "Looking at the Taiwan Strait" aired on Chinese television.

Acting career

In 2010, Jam Hsiao joined the cast of a movie, The Killer Who Never Kills, based on a series of novels by popular Taiwanese novelist Giddens Ko. In the film, he plays the leading role, the titular Killer Who Never Kills, Ouyang Bonsai, and wrote the film's theme song. Released in 2011, the movie was a box office success, and he won the Best New Actor Award in the 31st Hong Kong Golden Film Awards in 2012. Hsiao played the lead role of as the "Master of all Geeks" in his second film, romantic-comedy movie My Geeky Nerdy Buddies, directed by Kevin Chu alongside China artistes Jiang Shuying and Xie Na. It was released on 10 July 2014 in Mainland China and Taiwan.

2016–present: Sound of My Dream, formation of Lion, and I Am a Singer appearance

In September 2016, Hsiao formed the band Lion, together with Lee Q Wu, Tsou Chiang and Liu Chao-chu. They released their self-titled album on 16 September. In the same year, he appeared as one of the mentors of Zhejiang Television's Sound of My Dream, together with Yu Quan, Hebe Tien, JJ Lin and A-Mei. In 2017, Hsiao, together with his band Lion, participated in Singer 2017 and got third overall. In 2020, he later returned in I Am a Singer's eighth season (also called Singer: Year of the Hits) this time as a solo singer, and finished third. Hsiao also doubled as a host for the first two episodes until he was replaced by his Music Partner Eliza Liang, after the show announced that subsequent episodes were to be taped remotely as part of the safety measures due to the coronavirus pandemic.

2013–2014, Appearance on Duets, The Song

In 2013, Hsiao assumed the role of a mentor in Beijing Television, BTV's singing competition reality show Duets alongside another three mentors. One of his students, Xiao Yi Hang won first place after three months of competition and was subsequently signed with his record label company, Warner Music Ltd. He reprised his role as a mentor on the Season 2 of Duets. In June 2014, Hsiao released his sixth album, The Song. He composed six out of ten songs in this album and was also the album producer. He specially engaged a dance instructor from Korea to choreograph his dance for the song "Kiss Me" and was reported to have learned it via a video recording in just two days. The song "Kelly" was chosen as the end track for the Korean drama "You Who Came From The Stars" which was aired in Taiwan in May. "The Song" was also selected to be the closing song for thirteen Shin Kong Mitsukoshi malls in Taiwan, which will be played just before the malls clos...

2011–2012: "Jam Hsiao World Concert Tour", Mr. Jazz: A Song For You, It's All About Love

Jam Hsiao's second production of concert tour started from Hong Kong in August 2011. It was going to have only one concert in Hong Kong. However, this show was sold out in a matter of minutes. Many fans failed to get tickets and were very disappointed. Then a second show was added and it was also sold out in 6 minutes. The tour went to Shanghai in December 2011, Singapore in January 2012, and then headed for Taipei Arena in February 2012. In Taipei, the same scenario played out. The second show was added and sold out after the first show was sold out in one afternoon. He received many more invitations to bring this concert tour to different cities including many cities in China, Sydney and Melbourne in Australia. In 2012, Hsiao released his first full English album, consisting of eleven covers of known classics—such as "How Deep Is Your Love" by the Bee Gees and "L-O-V-E" by Nat King Cole—recorded from his Mr. Jazz Private Party Live. With the album, Hsiao showc...

2009–2011: "Mr. Rock Concert Tour", Jam Wild Dreams

Jam Hsiao's Mr. Rock Concert at Taipei Arena in December 2009, was a huge success. It was sold out within minutes. The stage set was designed to mimic a chess game. In lavish costumes, he performed songs in Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese, English and Korean. He also incorporated his drumming and keyboard skills on stage. Without dancers or guest singers, Hsiao single-handedly completed his first large-scale concert and earned enthusiastic praise. He toured four more cities— Singapore, Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, and Shanghai – till February 2011. He tailored each concert to the local market demands and incorporated different local elements in each of the different concert locations which was highly appreciated by fans. Jam Hsiao released his fourth record album Jam Wild Dreams in June 2011. He was involved in selecting, composing, recording, mixing and background harmony production. He had been the individual song producer since his 2009 "Princess" album but this time round, h...

2009: Princess, Love Moments

Following the success of his first album, Hsiao's second album Princess was released in July 2009 with even greater success. The title rock song "Princess" was a No.1 hit for three months. This 12-song album included four songs written by Hsiao and had the chance to become the song producer for these tracks. These four songs showcased his creativity, and each one of them had its own distinguished style. He then announced his first large-scale live concert, "Mr. Rock Concert", in Taipei Arena scheduled in December 2009. As part of his pre-concert initiative, Hsiao released in November 2009 his third album, Love Moments. This album included 10 covers of songs originally sung by top female singers. Hsiao recorded them in a live-band style. Among them, "Silent Flower" was in Taiwanese dialect, and the album's first hit song "New Endless Love" was the song he sang and got defeated on TV show, One Million Star in 2007. Hsiao's two albums in...